Rivers — latest ecology news

The promotion is scheduled to start at 12:00

If sewage discharge is not stopped, the river may disappear

Recently, a similar situation occurred in the Plosky River

Industrial enterprises are required to comply with the conditions of their permits

Only 2 of the three cleaning corridors are working, and the aeration tanks are in poor condition

During May-August 2023, activists held 23 toloks

About 200 people took part in eco-actions for cleaning

Borzhava systematically suffers from clogging, especially with plastic bottles

The culvert is filled with car tires, sacks, old furniture and tree branches

The Ministry of Environment expects legislative initiatives to improve the system of management and control over the use and protection of water

As a result of such actions, the river is almost completely killed

Detergents containing phosphates, which are used in car washes, contribute to the growth of microscopic algae