An oil pipeline exploded in Prykarpattia: pollution levels in the river exceeded 154 times

An oil pipeline exploded in Prykarpattia: pollution levels in the river exceeded 154 times

Katerina Belousova

The causes of the accident are being established

In the Ivano-Frankivsk region in the Nadvirnyan community a depressurization of the pipeline occurred, due to which a fire broke out, and oil polluted the river Strymba

The concentration of petroleum products in the water reached 7.7 mg/dm3, which is 25.7 times higher than the hygienic standards for water bodies for household needs and 154 times higher for fishing water bodies, the Dniester Basin Management of Water Resources reports on Facebook.

It is noted that specialists will monitor the quality of water in the area of ​​the accident until the normative values ​​of the indicators are reached.

The head of the Nadvirnya Territorial Community, Zinovii Andriyovych, said that there was an explosion on the pipeline and oil was spilled into the Strymba River. WITH numerous body burns (up to more than 70%) 5 people, including 2 children, were hospitalized.

"We are doing everything to quickly localize everything. Now it is most important to take care of the health and lives of the victims," ​​he emphasized.

Andreyovych added that the causes of the accident are unknown. All relevant services work at the scene of the accident, in particular, to eliminate pollution.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that in the Sumy region in the Chernechchyn community there was an emergency oil spill due to which 250 m2 of land in the forest belt on the corn field was contaminated.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, in the Brovar district of Kyiv Oblast, a gasoline truck overturned on the highway, which instantly caught fire. A large-scale fire broke out.

A garbage dump caught fire near Rivne
A garbage dump caught fire near Rivne

Firefighters were notified of the fire today at 08:22

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14 forest fires rage in Kharkiv region, most of them caused by Russian shelling

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In Transcarpathia, rescuers eliminated a large-scale forest fire for 6 hours
In Transcarpathia, rescuers eliminated a large-scale forest fire for 6 hours

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