Poachers — latest ecology news

The most high-profile violation, for about 2.5 million hryvnias, was recorded in the Kirovohrad region

The materials were handed over to law enforcement agencies

Visitors of the national park were urged to treat nature with care

Fish patrol counteract poachers around the clock

The detainees are in the Varas police station

The materials of the case were transferred to law enforcement agencies for the initiation of criminal proceedings.

Materials with signs of a criminal offense were handed over to law enforcement agencies

One illegally caught crayfish will have to pay 3,332 hryvnias

9 cases were transferred to the court

An administrative protocol was drawn up against the offender for gross violation of fishing rules

Raid measures to prevent and detect illegal fishing will continue

Poachers, ignoring the spawning ban, massively destroy aquatic bioresources, causing irreparable damage to the environment