Kirovohrad region — latest ecology news

Energy efficiency and decarbonization are drivers of reconstruction and sustainable development of communities

They plan to continue the eco-project with the onset of cold weather

The renovation will also allow significant energy savings

The main works were performed by the SolarSK company

The case materials were handed over to the law enforcement officers

The perpetrators violated Article 252 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine "Deliberate destruction or damage of territories taken under state protection and objects of the nature reserve fund"

Criminal proceedings were instituted against company officials

The most high-profile violation, for about 2.5 million hryvnias, was recorded in the Kirovohrad region

The materials were handed over to law enforcement agencies

The materials were handed over to law enforcement agencies

The most high-profile violation occurred in Kirovohrad region

The most high-profile violation occurred in the Poltava region