Teenagers started a movement combining sports and care for the environment in Kropyvnytskyi

Teenagers started a movement combining sports and care for the environment in Kropyvnytskyi

Katerina Belousova

They plan to continue the eco-project with the onset of cold weather

The twins are teenagers in Kropyvnytskyi Sofia and Kateryna Lyakh created the Green Line Krop project to spread the culture of plogging, that is, a movement that combines trash cleaning and running.

The fitness trend has already been joined by the townspeople, who hold events in parks, forests and on the beach, reports Access point.

The movement originated in Sweden in 2016 and quickly gained popularity. In Kropyvnytskyi, it is joined by children, young people, adults and older people. Only in half an hour plogging manages to collect half a bag of garbage, because the green areas of the city are heavily littered.



The material said that the Lyakh sisters submitted their idea for the movement to the program for teenagers and young people, embodied by UNICEF, and received support. With the allocated money, equipment was purchased and the city began to be cleaned.

"Our project is focused on cleaning, as well as on educational activities – we spread information about environmental problems, how to solve them, how to lead an ecological lifestyle and the like," said Sofia.

The sisters said that the locations for cleaning are chosen by the participants themselves.



Activists emphasized that there is so much garbage that it is not always possible to collect it while running. So sometimes the sports component has to be sacrificed for the sake of environmental cleanliness. In addition, in already cleaned locations, garbage is found again in a few weeks.

It is noted that such an eco-project is indefinite. Activists are going to restore order in their hometown with the onset of cold weather.



As EcoPolitic reported earlier, in Zaporizhzhia, in the Khortytsy beach area, activists removed three eco-stickers "Let's save the Dnipro together!" 15 tons of various garbage on an area of ​​more than 15 hectares.

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