Decarbonization — latest ecology news

Decarbonization will be facilitated by an agreement on clean industry

Brussels will release most EU companies from cross -border carbon emissions

It will come into force the day after publication

This year their number should grow significantly

Comparative ease of procedure of its design led to a constant flow of applicants

According to the official, now energy efficiency is mainstream

Country plans to reach "pure zero" by 2050

The adopted environmental draft law is important for the continuation of the negotiation process regarding Ukraine's accession to the EU

According to the European Commission, the country now ranks 5th in terms of emissions of this pollutant

Among the clients now are many energy service companies and other private legal entities

EU member states still have a little more than 17 months to transpose it into national legislation

Among them are projects of modernization of multi-apartment buildings, development of electricity storage systems, reduction of CO2 emissions during heat production, and others