Ecotax — latest ecology news

It is necessary to pay the eco-tax for the 3rd quarter by November 20

In 2021, polluting enterprises of the region paid 434.5 million hryvnias in environmental taxes

This will stimulate the development of the field of waste processing

In countries with a high environmental tax, there are more prerequisites for waste processing

The Ecocommittee postponed consideration of draft law No. 9484 "On scrap metal"

The size of the environmental tax for CO2 emissions remained unchanged – UAH 30 per ton

People's deputies will consider draft law No. 9484 "On scrap metal"

In the II quarter of 2023, the environmental tax increased by 23%

More than 900 thousand hryvnias from the paid eco-taxes were transferred to the state budget

About 7,000 business entities pay environmental tax in Lviv Region

Modernization will be carried out in 8 communities of the region

Funds from eco-taxes will be directed to reducing environmental pollution