Electric scooters reduce oil demand 4 times more than electric cars

Electric scooters reduce oil demand 4 times more than electric cars

Katerina Belousova

E-bikes can potentially reduce transport emissions by 7%

Electric scooters and bicycles actually displace four times more demand for oil than all electric vehicles in the world, in part because of their huge popularity in China.

In 2022, 280 million units of such transport worldwide reduced daily oil demand by 1 million barrels, or about 1% of total global demand, reports ArsTechnica.

It is noted that electric mopeds, scooters, motorcycles and three-wheeled vehicles take up less space and require less electricity and materials for production. In addition, their maintenance is cheaper. So the cost of an electric car reaches $50,000, and the scooter is about $1,000.

"If you ride an electric bicycle 20 km a day, five days a week, the cost of charging will be approximately $20 per year," the article emphasized.

ArsTechnica noted that about 44% of car trips in Australia are short trips of up to 10 km. In addition, cars usually have only one passenger. Electric transport can replace such trips.

It is noted that the use of electric scooters and skateboards will also help overcome the so-called last kilometer problem, that is, the inconvenient distance from a public transport stop. This can radically change the situation in public transport.

"If you use electric micromobility, it can reduce urban emissions. A study of e-scooter drivers in Great Britain showed that these trips produce 45% less carbon dioxide than alternatives," the article says.

American researchers estimate that if trips on electric bicycles increase to 11% of all car trips, transport emissions will drop by about 7%.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that 12.6 thousand electric vehicles (BEV) were added to the fleet of carbon-neutral transport in Ukraine from January to June 2023, which is three times more than in 2022.

As previously reported by EcoPolitics, in 2022, sales of electric vehicles around the world will grow to about 10% of the total market, thanks to significant growth in China and Europe.

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