Reduction of CO2 emissions — latest ecology news

Country plans to reach "pure zero" by 2050

Despite the large reserves of fossil fuels, the Emirates are actively engaged in the development of renewable energy technologies

The proceeds from their sale will go directly to the development of renewable energy sources (RES) capacities

According to the European Commission, the country now ranks 5th in terms of emissions of this pollutant

Among them are projects of modernization of multi-apartment buildings, development of electricity storage systems, reduction of CO2 emissions during heat production, and others

According to current estimates, prices for products with zero carbon emissions will increase by 40-70%

It fully complies with the climate goals of the EU and the Paris Agreement

Currently, 7 projects have already received funds, another 21 are under consideration

This will help reduce emissions in the production of chemicals

Most of the gains are due to increased green investments

The conference had to be extended in order to adopt the final resolution