
The perpetrators violated Article 364 of the Criminal Code on abuse of power or official position

In Ukraine, more than 550 MW of SES capacities were damaged or destroyed due to Russian aggression

Residents of Kharkiv drew attention to another building in the recreation area in mid-October, around which signs with the inscription "Beware of mines" were installed.

Specialists of the observatory took and analyzed 1,650 samples of atmospheric air

The removed forest and car will be handed over to the needs of the Armed Forces

2.49 hectares of land were littered with construction waste and fragments of combat parts of missiles and shells

Utilities want to open similar sites near residential buildings

The area of land contamination was 819 m2

Eco-inspectors will hand over calculation materials and laboratory test results to law enforcement agencies

Damage caused by Russian attacks is calculated separately for soil, air, and water resources

The workers said that they were sent to the state administration of the Holosiiv district of Kyiv to dig earth in the reserve

With such actions, Russia causes colossal damage to the surrounding natural environment