Trees — latest ecology news

Cherry blossoms have blossomed in the parks of Kyiv: where to see them
Cherry blossoms have blossomed in the parks of Kyiv: where to see them

In Japan, there is a ritual of hanami – admiring cherry blossoms

50 million UAH worth of trees were cut down in Transcarpathia: the eco-prosecution office found the culprits
50 million UAH worth of trees were cut down in Transcarpathia: the eco-prosecution office found the culprits

The foresters did not take sufficient measures to preserve the trees on the territory entrusted to them

A large-scale criminal scheme of timber trade officials was revealed in Kyiv region
A large-scale criminal scheme of timber trade officials was revealed in Kyiv region

Trees were destroyed under the guise of sanitary measures

Ukrainians were explained why trees cannot be cut down to the trunks
Ukrainians were explained why trees cannot be cut down to the trunks

It is in the leaves that organic substances are produced, which feed the entire tree

The eco-activist showed how trees actually bloom after barbaric pruning
The eco-activist showed how trees actually bloom after barbaric pruning

If it were not for the barbaric pruning, the tree could live for a long time

Trees were barbarically cut down on the embankment in Kharkiv
Trees were barbarically cut down on the embankment in Kharkiv

Such "care" for trees is widespread in many cities of Ukraine

23 million new trees were planted in Ukrainian forests
23 million new trees were planted in Ukrainian forests

Almost 6 million trees were planted in Zhytomyr Oblast

Spring planting of forests has started in Ukraine
Spring planting of forests has started in Ukraine

Ukraine plans to create as many natural forests as possible

Ukraine and the world celebrate the Day of Forests on March 21
Ukraine and the world celebrate the Day of Forests on March 21

Due to the Russian aggression in Ukraine, a third of the country's forests have been damaged

Transcarpathia wants to increase continuous felling of forests by 80%
Transcarpathia wants to increase continuous felling of forests by 80%

Bicentennial trees and primeval forests are planned to be cut down in particular

The region of Ukraine, where in a week people caused more than 10 million hryvnia of environmental damage
The region of Ukraine, where in a week people caused more than 10 million hryvnia of environmental damage

For the week from March 3 to March 9 in Ukraine, violators of the requirements of environmental legislation caused damage for 13 million hryvnias