Rivne region — latest ecology news

Rivne to build a parking lot for diesel minibuses on the site of the park: people opposed it
Rivne to build a parking lot for diesel minibuses on the site of the park: people opposed it

More than 200 citizens signed a request to save the square

Former chief forester of Rivne region released on bail reduced by 13 times
Former chief forester of Rivne region released on bail reduced by 13 times

5 million hryvnias from the pledge were transferred to support the Armed Forces

5 centers with dangerous noise levels found in Rivne
5 centers with dangerous noise levels found in Rivne

At two monitoring points, the noise level exceeded the norm by 4 dBA

260 hectares of forests and swamps are to be destroyed for mining in Rivne region
260 hectares of forests and swamps are to be destroyed for mining in Rivne region

The Ministry of Environment did not approve mining at the "Mak" deposit

The Ministry of Environment urged to prevent the industrial extraction of amber from valuable swamps
The Ministry of Environment urged to prevent the industrial extraction of amber from valuable swamps

This could destroy 1,343 species of plants and animals

200 kg of amber seized from Rivne region deputy and his accomplices – black diggers
200 kg of amber seized from Rivne region deputy and his accomplices – black diggers

Amber was mined in the Rivne Reserve and the Klesiv Forest with the help of environmentally hazardous soil leaching

Residents of a village near Rivne are suffocating from acetone: the authorities have promised to help
Residents of a village near Rivne are suffocating from acetone: the authorities have promised to help

Eco-inspectors did not find an excess of emission limits

All forestry directors fired in Rivne region due to corruption
All forestry directors fired in Rivne region due to corruption

Personnel purges were announced after the deputy director of the regional forest office was exposed for illegal enrichment of UAH 150 million

Illegal furnaces for burning coal were discovered in the Rivne region
Illegal furnaces for burning coal were discovered in the Rivne region

The police opened criminal proceedings for air pollution

4 kg of gold was seized from the deputy director of "Forests of Ukraine" during searches: all the details
4 kg of gold was seized from the deputy director of "Forests of Ukraine" during searches: all the details

The official was found with 3 luxury cars and plots with cottage buildings

A man cut down trees in a nature reserve and ran away from an arboretum in the Rivne region
A man cut down trees in a nature reserve and ran away from an arboretum in the Rivne region

The sanction of the article provides for a fine from 17 to 25.5 thousand UAH or arrest

Garbage sorting has been launched at a school in the Rivne region
Garbage sorting has been launched at a school in the Rivne region

About 600 children study at the lyceum and 70 teachers work