Forests worth millions of hryvnias destroyed on leased land in Rivne region

Forests worth millions of hryvnias destroyed on leased land in Rivne region

Katerina Belousova

The area of ​​continuous felling reached 1.1 hectares

In the Rivne region, 691 trees were illegally cut down on leased land in the Dubrovytsia community, causing damage worth UAH 2.45 million.

Such clear-cutting was carried out on the territory of the Solomiyivka village council, the State Ecological Inspectorate of the Polissya District reports on Facebook.

It is noted that the violation was discovered thanks to an appeal from a concerned citizen.

The press service said that the 26.3-hectare plot was leased in 2020 for agricultural production. The forest on the unusable land of the former Promin farm was planted in 1995-1997 by employees of the Berezhnytsia forestry. The area of clear-cutting reached 1.1 hectares.

"Given that Article 246 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine provides for criminal liability for illegal felling of trees, based on Article 214 of the CPC of Ukraine, the materials drawn up on the results of the survey were sent to the Rivne Regional Prosecutor's Office to enter information into the URPTI and initiate criminal proceedings," the statement said.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that the state enterprise "Forests of Ukraine" decided to dismiss all directors of its Rivne branches due to chronic deep corruption problems.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, seven heads of agroforestry enterprises and the former deputy director general of the regional utility Sumyoblagrolis were served with a notice of suspicion in Sumy region for selling forests worth UAH 11 million .

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