Plastic — latest ecology news
Plastic recycling is still one of the most important ways to fight pollution
Current Mars plastic packaging is not recyclable. It does not decompose, but only breaks down into small particles that pollute the soil and water
The station accepts packaging from cosmetics and household chemicals, drinks, metal and plastic lids, wine corks, etc.
Caps can be brought to collection points in 4 cities, or sent by "New Post"
Total investment to reduce plastic pollution will reach $65 billion per year
Yapomogabox turns plastic bottles into aid
Particles of plastic were able to cross the blood-brain barrier within two hours of ingestion
This will significantly reduce the burden on the environment
Plastic flowers are not recycled and pollute the environment for 100-500 years
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch contains about 1.8 trillion pieces of plastic weighing about 80,000 tons
The sorting station is open from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and on Saturday, April 22
Eco-activists have already removed 90 tons of garbage from the river in 2021