Legislation — latest ecology news

Now Ukraine will have access to the resources of the Global Environmental Fund, as well as receive technical assistance

It is necessary to create conditions so that international partners, investors and the public are confident in the transparent and unhindered development of the Zone

The meeting will consider issues related to the personal composition of subcommittees and the activities of working groups

Currently, it is not known where the investments for the implementation of eco-modernization will come from

EcoPolitic begins a series of materials on the results of the Ministry of Environment's work in the field of nature protection

The ratification of the Nagoya-Kuala Lumpur Additional Protocol is an important step for the preservation of nature in Ukraine

People's deputies will consider the report of the head of the State Nuclear Regulatory Commission on the results of work in 2022

The document may lead to corruption risks

The proposals provide for a special eco-audit with the involvement of international experts

People's deputies will consider draft law No. 9213 "On restoration of energy security and "green" transformation of the energy system of Ukraine"

In the EU, eco-auditing allows businesses to gain competitive advantages, while Ukraine offers a punitive approach

The SEO register will become one of the key tools for access to eco-information and public participation in decision-making