Garbage sorting — latest ecology news

Trees clean the air we breathe and filter the water we drink

Lids and waste paper can be brought to Svobody Park every Monday and Thursday

Sorted organics must be thrown into appropriate containers without plastic bags or other garbage

Poltava ecobus will run daily, except weekends

You can rent them out for free

Silpo Recycling works every day except holidays

The effectiveness of garbage reform will affect Ukraine's likely EU membership

Almost 90,000 kilograms of secondary raw materials were collected at the Chorniv landfill

Every 10% of recycled glass reduces gas consumption by 3%

Kharkiv residents can visit the sorting station from 11:00 to 15:00

If the enterprise stops, 10,000-15,000 tons of waste paper per month will not be in demand, and waste paper prices will collapse

Collected caps are manually sorted by children and adults