Eco-modernization — latest ecology news

Solving the environmental problems of cities requires step-by-step work, which involves a number of complex processes

Reconstruction of coke batteries became one of the key investment projects of ArcelorMittal

The technology allows to optimize the heating system in real time

CEVA's global network includes more than 1,000 facilities in more than 170 countries

It is known that the company's products received an environmental product declaration

In an hour of work it is able to remove up to 137 thousand cubic meters of raw air

The equipment allows to achieve a high degree of air purification in the workplace

The smelting plant of the ABS Sisak plant will be modernized using Digimelter technology

The project will have a positive impact in terms of increasing the level of environmental protection

The process is controlled by environmentalists of the enterprise

The enterprise is actively implementing dust suppression measures at the tailings

District heating is based on thermal installations and thermal power plants, which must meet stringent EU environmental requirements