
The British swiftlet population has fallen by 60% in 15 years

The promotion is scheduled to start at 12:00

The perpetrators received over 80,000 hryvnias for one deal

Back in 2018, OLX stated that the sale of Red Book animals on the platform is strictly prohibited

The Ministry of Environment allowed such activity if the company additionally assesses its impact

The local authorities did not notify the State Inspectorate about the emergency

The depth of the pit reached 5 meters

ArcelorMittal plants can receive 47.6% of the total financing

Ukraine imports 172.6 thousand tons of waste paper

The likely source of the unpleasant smell may be illegal gas stations

Didukh agreed to pay a fine of 42,500 hryvnias for receiving a bribe

Coal consumption reached a record in 2022 and will remain at the same level in 2023