The prosecutor's office opened a case
464 hectares of land burned in the region
In Yuzhny Buz, the content of ammonium nitrogen exceeded 30 times
Why changing the signs will not save the State Inspectorate
Fines for violence against animals are proposed to be increased to 268,400 hryvnias
InterContinental Energy will be able to produce more than 5 million tons of green hydrogen
The project will be implemented during 2024-2026
The plant produced 2.1 MW of electricity every year
The lake disappeared, in particular, due to the construction of a high-rise building, which was never completed
Officials were detained while receiving a "tranche" of 1.4 million hryvnias
In the case of an attempt to bribe the heads of anti-corruption agencies, all received suspended terms
In the first day, it was possible to collect more than 50 thousand hryvnias