
By the end of the year, 5 more wind power plants should be commissioned in the region.

The decree on its expansion since 2010 has not yet been fully implemented

Experts talk about possible non-transparent agreements

Among the clients now are many energy service companies and other private legal entities

In particular, he leased state property for next to nothing

They reminded about the list of documents that the implementers must have

They turned to the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine with proposals for changes in this document

Increasing circularity is a key element of the updated rules

They took part in the "Energodim" program under package B "Complex"

EU member states still have a little more than 17 months to transpose it into national legislation

Among other things, deputies will prepare for the second reading a draft law on the restoration of mandatory monitoring, reporting and verification of greenhouse gas emissions

It is a chemical used in the production of some plastics and resins