Reservoirs — latest ecology news

Entrepreneur used a pond for fish farming for 5 years without having any documents
Entrepreneur used a pond for fish farming for 5 years without having any documents

The mirror area of ​​this water body is more than 36 hectares

Because of the heat and water pollution in the Odessa region again massively killed fish
Because of the heat and water pollution in the Odessa region again massively killed fish

The water in the coastal zone warmed up to 33°C

Spanish Valencia closes beaches due to oil spill. Photos, video
Spanish Valencia closes beaches due to oil spill. Photos, video

The source of the contamination is still unknown

Mariupol because of the indifference of the invaders is buried in sewage. Photo
Mariupol because of the indifference of the invaders is buried in sewage. Photo

The problem has reached such a scale that even the pseudo-head of the city had to admit it

Environmentalists warn of systematic problems with subsoil use permits
Environmentalists warn of systematic problems with subsoil use permits

It turned out that sometimes they threaten stable water supply for hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians

In a nature reserve in Poltava region, inspectors found fish worth UAH 4 million in poaching nets
In a nature reserve in Poltava region, inspectors found fish worth UAH 4 million in poaching nets

The fish, which had signs of life, was returned to the reservoir

Prosecutors return water fund land worth over UAH 35 million to community in Kyiv region
Prosecutors return water fund land worth over UAH 35 million to community in Kyiv region

The decision to set aside the land plot turned out to be illegal

In 5 years, deer and wild boars may roam in Kakhovka forest, – ecologist of the reserve
In 5 years, deer and wild boars may roam in Kakhovka forest, – ecologist of the reserve

Nature continues to recover at the site of the man-made disaster

Environmentalists told whether it is safe to swim in the Black Sea
Environmentalists told whether it is safe to swim in the Black Sea

They also reported major precautions for bathing

Ukrainians were told why the Dniester was so shallow
Ukrainians were told why the Dniester was so shallow

Assumptions made in social networks are indeed among the causes of environmental disaster

Forest instead of a reservoir: an ecologist tells about the restoration of the territory after the Kakhovka HPP explosion
Forest instead of a reservoir: an ecologist tells about the restoration of the territory after the Kakhovka HPP explosion

Specialists constantly monitor changes in the ecosystems of the bottom bed at the site of the artificial reservoir

Occupation authorities brought Mariupol to environmental collapse, – city council
Occupation authorities brought Mariupol to environmental collapse, – city council

At the same time, the occupiers do not even try to eliminate the problems that they themselves have caused