Water — latest ecology news
In cities, indicators of epidemic safety are generally satisfactory, but 9% of rural water pipes do not meet hygienic requirements
Water from domestic taps is unsuitable for drinking or cooking
The nitrate content exceeded the standards by more than five times
The purpose of the document is to solve the problem of urgent restoration of centralized water supply
Inspections of water recreation areas in the Stryi district are still ongoing
The effects of environmental damage can last for decades
It was noted at the meeting that Ukraine is one of the countries with low water resources
Many new wastes – waste destruction, burned and destroyed military equipment
The company analyzes and conducts fruitful work on a pilot project for the installation of a 1 MW electrolysis plant for the production of "green" hydrogen
The law "On Central Authorities" provides that when a minister is dismissed, his deputies are also dismissed from their posts by the Cabinet of Ministers
Roman Shakhmatenko plans to continue working on environmental reforms