Trees — latest ecology news

Seedlings of invasive species in new forests will make up less than 1%

The underground section of the Lybid River was cleared of 3,000 m3 of garbage

In 2023, forest protection workers discovered 96 cases of illegal logging with a total volume of 72 m3

During 2019-2022, more than 10,000 trees were destroyed during illegal felling

The European law "On the restoration of nature" provides for the elimination of the loss of the crowns of urban trees

More than 200 citizens signed a request to save the square

The suspect-organizer involved his wife and two other acquaintances in the felling

During the week, eco-inspectors calculated 8.8 million hryvnias in damages

Some trees cannot withstand crowning and die immediately, while others grow a new emergency crown

The violation occurred in 2023

On February 22, trees were crowned again on Sobornia Street, because the regional council's recommendations have not yet been implemented

Near the place where the tractor stopped, 60 alder trees were found felled