Poltava region — latest ecology news

Preparatory work will continue until May 2024

White-billed loons are rare birds for Ukraine

The action "Chestnuts for the Armed Forces" was launched in Rivne region and Zhytomyr region

464 hectares of land burned in the region

Only 9 out of 13 humanitarian hubs sort waste, and 6 reuse packaging

It is forbidden to visit the forests of Poltava Oblast due to extremely high fire danger

5 other communities are ready to unite for the creation of a separate waste collection system on their territory

The project was implemented for the money of the community

42 thousand hryvnias will be allocated from the budget for the installation of cameras

The filth continues to drift down the river

The height of the pines in the arena of loose sands reaches 4-10 meters

The project will reduce the use of natural gas by 25-39 million m3 per year