4 waste processing plants will be built in Poltava region: a memorandum was signed

4 waste processing plants will be built in Poltava region: a memorandum was signed

Katerina Belousova

The oblast became the second in Ukraine to sign a memorandum on cooperation at the ministry-oblast-community level

Four waste processing plants will be built in Poltava region, which will be able to process up to 500,000 tons of waste per year.

On his Facebook page, the Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Ruslan Strilets announced the signing of the corresponding memorandum with the head of the Poltava Regional State Administration Filip Pronin and the leaders of the Lubensk, Kremenchuk, Poltava and Kobelyatsk communities.

Strilets emphasized that this will demonstrate to potential investors that communities are ready for change. Negotiations with European and American partners have already begun.

"Four factories in these communities will logistically "cover" the entire Poltava region with waste processing. They will use several modern processing technologies at once – processing of organic waste with subsequent production of biomethane, deep sorting with the selection of resource-valuable materials, etc.," he said.

According to him, the cost of the projects reaches 120-130 million euros. Factories can become operational already in a few years.

Strelets said that about 280,000 tons of solid household waste is generated in Poltava Oblast every year. The creation of a waste management cluster should solve this problem, in particular thanks to the law No. 2320-IX "About waste management".

" Poltava Oblast became the first oblast after Kyiv Oblast to sign a memorandum on cooperation at the ministry-oblast-community level. This will allow for more efficient cooperation in various directions. And the most important thing is to build four waste processing plants," emphasized Philip Pronin.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that in Poltava region, in the Kremenchutsk District, they are planning to build a waste processing plant or a point for the processing of solid household waste.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, two waste processing plants will be built in the Kyiv region for the cluster solution of waste problems of three communities. This is the first major investment project implemented within the framework of the waste management reform in Ukraine.

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