Parks — latest ecology news

Another organized criminal group engaged in illegal logging is exposed

Among them, scientists noticed several thousand red-bellied kazarkas

Inspections of units of the Kyiv City State Administration and communal enterprises have already become permanent

It did not even manage to release the director of the institution, who is suspected of collaborating with the occupation authorities

The agency explained why they made changes to the law on nature protection objects

When they are placed, environmental safety will be a priority

The change of the head of the institution did not improve the situation with the violations that ecoactivists continue to record

Among them are illegal fishing, illegal logging and extraction of groundwater without a permit

This object of the nature reserve fund is subordinate to the State Administration of the Office of the President of Ukraine

This is not the first time that environmentalists have detected illegal tree felling here

It is multifaceted and requires a comprehensive approach to its minimization

Now he faces 8 to 12 years in prison with confiscation of property