Investments — latest ecology news

Creating the best possible energy balance for the future involves combining modern technology with manufacturing processes

Investing in hydrogen technology is a key component of President Biden's plan to decarbonise the industrial sector

The smelting plant of the ABS Sisak plant will be modernized using Digimelter technology

In addition to the energy crisis, there is a problem with food shortages

This figure is 204% higher than the same period last year

Draft SEC rules based on "naming rules"

Half of the required amount of hydrogen will come from imports

Four key indicators of climate change set new records in 2021

There is a clear distinction between decarbonising the sector and achieving gradual progress in the sector

Ukraine will be able to become a platform for new technologies, pilot projects and RES projects

Financial institutions play a key role in decarbonising the global economy and addressing systemic risks associated with climate change

Investors can count on fruitful climate opportunities in China