Air — latest ecology news
1529 air samples were analyzed in the observatory
Thanks to the station, it is possible to detect fire and burning leaves
The probable source of pollution may be the enterprises of the Spanish community
1440 air samples were analyzed in the observatory
At this level of air pollution, all people can experience negative consequences
The likely source of the unpleasant smell may be illegal gas stations
The most polluted air was found at the intersection of St. Volodymyr Veliky and st. 80th Airborne Assault Brigade
Among other things, there are no changes in the information and technological cards for obtaining a permit for emissions
1440 air samples were analyzed in the observatory
This will save time and resources, as emission inventory reports sometimes contained more than 1,000 pages
Ukrainians are urged to follow the rules during the fire period
Law enforcement officers, government representatives and ecologists were not allowed to enter the enterprise