Local residents forced the polluting enterprise to install an emission meter in Kyiv

Local residents forced the polluting enterprise to install an emission meter in Kyiv

Katerina Belousova

In the sanitary zone, the enterprises will also install an air quality monitoring station

In Kyiv, at a meeting in the Department of Environmental Protection and Adaptation to Climate Change of the KMDA, ADM LLC, which residents suspect of air pollution, agreed to install emission monitoring sensor on the pipe.

Residents Syrets, Kurenivka and Zamkovishche micro-districts systematically complain about the unpleasant smell that arises every night, Yevgenia Kuleba, deputy of the Kyiv City Council, reports on Facebook.

She said that she was in a meeting the director of the enterprise took part. At the meeting, they also decided to install in air quality monitoring sensor to the sanitary zone of "ADM" LLC. Namely, move a station from another territory to this place.

Kuleba added that the director agreed to install a sensor on the pipe, however, he drew attention to the need to find additional funds for this.

"My task is one: to find the source of pollution and eliminate it, because it is unacceptable that people live in such conditions," the deputy wrote.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that in Kyiv on the Kharkiv massif in August, five-fold excesses of the concentration of hydrogen sulfide were recorded in the air for three days in a row.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, Kyiv was included in the TOP–9 cities with a high level of air pollution for the pfirst half of 2023.

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