Copper contamination was found in spring water in Kryvyi Rih shutterstock

Copper contamination was found in spring water in Kryvyi Rih

Katerina Belousova

Water from all four sources can be used for economic and technical purposes

Eco-activists from DTKR discovered in Kryvyi Rih spring water from the Kashtan well, contamination with nitrogen compounds, dissolved copper and high hardness.

The study of water from four sources showed that water from all points does not meet the criteria of sanitary and hygienic safety, reports the public organization Enough to poison Kryvyi Rih (DTKR) on Facebook.

It is noted that water quality was studied in:

  • the Kashtan well near the Ingulets River, north of Kryvyi Rih;
  • in the Pokrovsky District in the Saksagan River in the Shakhtarskyi Park area;
  • a stream in the beach area in Shakhtarsky Park;
  • the floodplain pond below the Bozhedarivka housing estate.

The study showed that the water from the three sources has mediocre quality, and from Kashtan poor. In addition, the water in the Kashtan well and in the beach area of Shakhtarsky Park has an increased content of nitrate ions.

DTKR emphasized that water from all four sources can be used for economic and technical purposes. However, none of them have a high potential for drinking needs. Such water can be used only after general and special purification, because it carries long-term risks for people's health, especially for vulnerable categories.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that eco-activists from DTKR investigated the quality of water from 5 sources in the village of Novolozuvatka, Dnipropetrovsk region, and found that not a single sample met the criteria for sanitary and hygienic water safety.

Previously, EcoPolitics conducted a unique study of surface water quality in 8 reservoirs and 11 pumping stations in Kyiv and the region. Exceeding the pollution standards was detected in 5 rivers and lakes, as well as in 1 pumping station.

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