In addition to animals, dog hunters can also harm children
An uncontrolled amount of redirected light can harm nature
Since the beginning of 2022, 1.32 billion hryvnias have been damaged for environmental violations
Methane is a super-potent greenhouse gas with 80 times the short-term warming potential of carbon dioxide
The forests of the Zhytomyr region are under triple supervision
Measures to regulate the number of predators will be allowed
In March 2022, Vestas suspended participation in russian projects
The owner of the ecopark suspects that the animals were poisoned on purpose
The purchase price of the chestnut exceeded the value of the scrap metal
The island is home to over 120 Red Book species of plants and animals.
The volume of generated waste amounted to more than 400 m3
The man was detained in June 2021 while receiving a bribe