
The platform will work completely autonomously

Energy independence is being strengthened in the community

Perpetrators face up to 6 years in prison

Live fish fry, amphibian tadpoles, and snails were discovered in the flooded areas of the Novopetrivski plavni landscape reserve

Forestries will strengthen quality control of work

1,668 air samples were analyzed at the observatory

Water quality has deteriorated in four rivers

The Merefyan community will receive 48 panels with a capacity of up to 500 W

Investments in improving energy efficiency in 2023 should reach a record $600 billion

The implementation of the draft law will require 69.95 million UAH of funding from the state budget

It broke through the receiving chamber, where all the impurities enter

An additional 132 megatons of CO2 emissions need to be cut to meet climate targets by 2030