
The quality of water in rivers was checked in Sumy: which reservoirs are the most polluted
The quality of water in rivers was checked in Sumy: which reservoirs are the most polluted

In half a year, the water quality in the reservoirs improved

The war caused hundreds millions of hryvnias losses to the nature of Zhytomyr region
The war caused hundreds millions of hryvnias losses to the nature of Zhytomyr region

Damage to the oil product pipeline Samara-Western direction caused the leakage of oil products onto the land and into the reservoir

The number of dolphins killed in the war in Ukraine. Photo
The number of dolphins killed in the war in Ukraine. Photo

The actual data on dead Black Sea dolphins is greatly underestimated

The radiation background was checked in Zaporizhzhia region: what are the indicators
The radiation background was checked in Zaporizhzhia region: what are the indicators

Normally, the gamma background indicator should not exceed the mark of 20 micro-roentgens per hour

Why the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine should be green
Why the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine should be green

The new economy of Ukraine must be based on the latest green and digital technologies

The level of toxic gases in the air exceeded the scale in Kyiv
The level of toxic gases in the air exceeded the scale in Kyiv

In the next two or three days, the changeable nature of the weather will help clean the air of harmful impurities

New damage to the nature of Ukraine for a week. Digest
New damage to the nature of Ukraine for a week. Digest

Large-scale fires at infrastructure and industrial facilities lead to air poisoning with particularly dangerous substances that can be carried by winds over long distances

Polluters paid more than UAH 13 million in eco-tax in Volyn
Polluters paid more than UAH 13 million in eco-tax in Volyn

Enterprises whose activities harm the environment are required to register as environmental tax payers

Experts predicted the consequences of Crimea's environmental and climate problems
Experts predicted the consequences of Crimea's environmental and climate problems

The most climatically vulnerable are the mountainous regions of Crimea

Officials were accused of misappropriating funds from the environmental program in Poltava region
Officials were accused of misappropriating funds from the environmental program in Poltava region

Scientists of the State Water Agency warned that rivers like the Sula cannot be "cleaned up"

The war consequences for the health will be felt by two generations
The war consequences for the health will be felt by two generations

Since the beginning of the war, more than 2,000 crimes by the occupiers against Ukrainian nature have been recorded