Zhytomyr region — latest ecology news

The bark was exported without any dosimetric control

Complete waste processing takes 1 week

In 2023, more than 70 facts of forest pollution were discovered

In the Kyiv and Zhytomyr regions, they plan to plant forests in honor of fallen servicemen, volunteers, foresters and civilians

Vegetation began to recover in the reserve after illegal amber mining

The area of the landfill reached 2 hectares, and the height was 3.5 m

Eco-activists fear that the narodniks will eventually return to their plans

The project will be implemented during 2024-2026

Some of the holes on the pipe were previously closed with wooden chops

The fire destroyed almost 50 hectares of forest

The operation of the SPP was synchronized with a 100 kW generator

Laboratory studies proved that the oxygen content in the water is below normal