Wind energy — latest ecology news

The rapid deployment of offshore wind farms increases the risks of congestion on land

The tower will work on the principle of a thermos

These projects would significantly strengthen Ukraine's energy security already in 2023

The first phase of the project involves the construction of up to 164 land-based wind turbines to power the hydrogen plant

In Ukraine, the wind energy sector is exclusively a sector of private investment

The changes will apply only to new consumers who will install generating capacity from renewable energy sources

The steel sector is responsible for about 4% of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe

Biden called climate change literally an existential threat to the nation and the world

By 2030, Ukraine is able to achieve 50% of electricity generation from RES in the energy balance

The steel industry and the energy industry have long been closely related

Holland Hydrogen is an important milestone for both the Netherlands and Shell in the hydrogen economy

150 TWh of electricity is needed in the EU to power steel plants and electrolyzers producing H2