Water — latest ecology news

The video is published in Russian Telegram channels

Russian armed aggression has already caused more than 83 billion hryvnias of damage to Ukrainian water resources

The developed initiative does not take into account the restoration of water supply to Crimea from the Dnipro

Water harvesting in the lower reaches of the Dnipro did not take place for about 70 years

The use of organic sorbent can increase productivity by 10-30%

The main source of nitrates in water is fertilizers that are washed off the fields

Each solar panel has a power of 380 watts

The reform will allow attracting 1.4 billion hryvnias for the repair and modernization of water management infrastructure

New investments will help meet the water needs of 3.3 million people by 2030

About 75% of the mass of all pollutants entering the surface waters of Ukraine is found in the return water of communal enterprises from water drainage

Only in December 2023, 94 tons of waste were removed from the territory of the enterprise, including approximately 30 tons of highly contaminated soil

According to preliminary estimates, the SES capacity will reach 120 kW