Trees — latest ecology news

During the week, environmental violators caused damages in the amount of 8.97 million hryvnias

A similar situation recently occurred in the branch's Toboliv Forestry

The case materials will be sent to the Zakarpattia Regional Prosecutor's Office

According to foresters, in autumn they will plant local tree species

The case materials were sent to the regional prosecutor's office

Witnesses are called to help identify the perpetrators

Eco-inspectors and policemen were allowed to enter the territory only after lengthy negotiations

The situation indicates the abuse and violation of the legal rules regarding felling of trees

Case materials were handed over to the prosecutor's office

Spruce makes up about 40% of the total number of trees in the Carpathian forests

The ecosystem has undergone negative anthropogenic changes and will not be able to recover for many years

The materials were transferred to the regional prosecutor's office