Eco-activists want to replant trees that were banned earlier in Ukraine

Eco-activists want to replant trees that were banned earlier in Ukraine

Katerina Belousova

The ban on planting in forests should apply to all 13 species identified earlier

Eco-activists said that, according to their data, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources cancels the list of 13 invasive tree species that are prohibited from being planted in forests.

Large-scale planting of alien trees throughout territory of Ukraine may begin as early as 2023, reports the public organization "Ukrainian Environmental Protection Group" on Facebook.

Eco-activists called on Ukrainians to contact the Ministry of Environment with a call to prevent the planting of invasive trees. After all, it is not corresponds to European biodiversity conservation practices.

They require:

  • appeal the decision of the State Regulatory Service and maintain the validity of the list of 13 invasive tree species prohibited for planting in forests;
  • if the list has already been canceled – to instruct the State Agency of Forest Resources of Ukraine not to approve any planting of invasive trees from the list in 2023-24, as well as to withdraw any approvals for such planting given earlier;
  • instruct the State Forestry Agency to monitor the absence of planting of prohibited invasive species of trees from the list in all branches of the SE "Forests of Ukraine";
  • ensure as soon as possible re-adoption of the list of invasive tree species prohibited for use in reforestation. This list should include all 13 species banned earlier.

As you know, the list of prohibited invasive species includes:

  • Aralia Manchurian;
  • elm is low;
  • spiky eye;
  • black walnut;
  • red oak;
  • western frame;
  • ash maple;
  • narrow-leaved olive;
  • paulownia (species and hybrids);
  • common robinia;
  • late cherry;
  • Pennsylvania ash.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that in May the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources approved a list of 13 alien, i.e. invasive, species of trees that are prohibited from being planted for the creation and restoration of forests and field protection strips.

Previously, EcoPolitic analyzed the danger posed by invasive species.

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