State Ecological Inspectorate of Ukraine — latest ecology news

Eco-inspectors support an urgent and expedient reform of the state control system

Why changing the signs will not save the State Inspectorate

In one week, environmental violators compensated 950 thousand hryvnias

An 8-fold increase in biochemical oxygen consumption was found in the Kuchurgan River

A claim for damages will be sent to the violator

In the Kyiv region, the most large-scale environmental violations of the week were discovered

In Transcarpathia, a jeep tour to Lake Gereshaska was planned for October 6-8

Spawning of fish, including those listed in the Red Book, takes place in Luzhanka

The illegal felling of trees could have been committed by one of the local residents, which should be established by the investigation

In one week, environmental violators compensated 2.1 million hryvnias

Eco-violators compensated 777 thousand hryvnias of damages

Only 2 of the three cleaning corridors are working, and the aeration tanks are in poor condition