Ecocontrol — latest ecology news

Environmental requirements section added to Prozorro Infobox
Environmental requirements section added to Prozorro Infobox

It provides for the possibility of receiving free consultations

Draft Strategy for Reforming State Ecological Control: environmental community evaluates the document
Draft Strategy for Reforming State Ecological Control: environmental community evaluates the document

The eco-community supports the need to reform the state eco-control system, despite certain concerns

During the two years of war, 90 hectares of protected land were returned to state ownership
During the two years of war, 90 hectares of protected land were returned to state ownership

The boundaries of about 8,000 protected objects have already been entered into the newly created Cadastre of the Nature Reserve Fund

The Ministry of Environment is unable to fix the eco-control crisis – PAEW
The Ministry of Environment is unable to fix the eco-control crisis – PAEW

The State Inspectorate should be turned into an environmental agency

The EcoCommittee will hold a meeting on the implementation of EU norms on July 4
The EcoCommittee will hold a meeting on the implementation of EU norms on July 4

The members of the Working Group will be formed from the experts invited to the meeting

The Ministry of Environment proposed ways to improve the eco-audit procedure
The Ministry of Environment proposed ways to improve the eco-audit procedure

The proposals provide for a special eco-audit with the involvement of international experts

The EBA pointed to the sharp corners of the new eco-audit rules
The EBA pointed to the sharp corners of the new eco-audit rules

In the EU, eco-auditing allows businesses to gain competitive advantages, while Ukraine offers a punitive approach

Ukraine wants to introduce new eco-audit rules: analysis of the draft law
Ukraine wants to introduce new eco-audit rules: analysis of the draft law

The bill is designed to create a transparent eco-audit mechanism

The EBA spoke about the advantages of the eco-control reform in Ukraine
The EBA spoke about the advantages of the eco-control reform in Ukraine

The State Inspectorate, due to its broad powers, was one of the levers of pressure on business

Ministry of Environment has expanded opportunities for eco-battalion in EcoZagroza application
Ministry of Environment has expanded opportunities for eco-battalion in EcoZagroza application

With the help of EcoZagroza, Ukrainians can report all cases of environmental damage that they have witnessed

The Verkhovna Rada approved the introduction of liability for failure to perform a strategic eco-assessment
The Verkhovna Rada approved the introduction of liability for failure to perform a strategic eco-assessment

Strategic environmental assessment is one of the key tools for restoring Ukraine according to European standards