Renewable energy — latest ecology news
This will strengthen efforts to establish energy independence of Ukraine
In anticipation of an energy disaster, national governments are burning more coal and reopening dirty power plants
An important prerequisite for the success of many climate technologies is the expansion of capacities for the production and storage of renewable electricity
An efficient and functioning system of guarantees of origin should become a serious incentive for both the production and consumption of renewable energy
Every year, energy storages become more accessible and popular
By 2030, Ukraine is able to achieve 50% of electricity generation from RES in the energy balance
The steel industry and the energy industry have long been closely related
Albania has no energy storage capacity and must import fossil energy to meet seasonal demand
Holland Hydrogen is an important milestone for both the Netherlands and Shell in the hydrogen economy
Currently, all DTEK wind stations are stopped and preserved
The new RES capacities will be used in particular for the production of green hydrogen
150 TWh of electricity is needed in the EU to power steel plants and electrolyzers producing H2