Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine — latest ecology news

Prior to that, he headed the Transcarpathian Regional Employment Center

The period of transition to the new rules of operation will depend on the type of installation

Territorial communities do not want to pay for illegal logging on their territory

The Law of Ukraine "On Integrated Prevention and Control of Industrial Pollution" will come into force on August 8 this year

This was one of the requirements of the Ukraine Facility Plan

They are due to both the war and the inadequate elaboration of procedures and processes

We talk about the timing, challenges and prospects for implementation

In particular, a draft law on the system of greenhouse gas emissions trading in Ukraine is to be submitted to the Verkhovna Rada in August

Due to the technical unpreparedness of the enterprise platform the risk of losing permits and licenses

The Office has become one of the state institutions that has been affected by the temporary freezing of the US Agency for International Development

We have the next “crutches” that the department substitutes to prevent collapse in the field of waste management

Part of the recommendations of the Office rejected