Lviv region — latest ecology news

The treatment facilities should be built by the end of 2025

The tractor can be used as a mobile power plant that can power an entire house

Only 9 out of 13 humanitarian hubs sort waste, and 6 reuse packaging

Each institution determines the size of the discount or other incentives for customers individually

No more than 500 kg of construction waste is accepted per month from one person

SES should be installed by the end of 2023

Deputies demand to withdraw the order on the appointment of Stepa and hold a public competition for this position

More than 1,500 city residents will be connected to the sewage system

To improve water quality, 76 million hryvnias will be spent on the construction and reconstruction of treatment facilities

The cooperatives wanted to stop the process of returning the reserve lands

From June 9, educational institutions and hospitals can exchange lamps

The management of the plant will undergo training in Poland to learn all the processes of the complex