Law about waste 2207-1d — latest ecology news

The Ministry of Environment will conduct an environmental assessment of the national waste management plan until 2033
The Ministry of Environment will conduct an environmental assessment of the national waste management plan until 2033

The national plan envisages a reduction in household waste disposal volumes by up to 30%

Ukraine will launch a system for accounting for every ton of garbage
Ukraine will launch a system for accounting for every ton of garbage

The government also approved the Licensing conditions for conducting economic activities for the management of hazardous waste

Environmentalists told about the intricacies of waste certification as part of the waste reform
Environmentalists told about the intricacies of waste certification as part of the waste reform

The project of the Cabinet of Ministers resolution "On the creation and administration of the waste management information system" has been developed

The Ministry of Environment has developed European rules for the operation of landfills
The Ministry of Environment has developed European rules for the operation of landfills

Such regulation is part of the waste management reform

Limitation of single-use plastic products is an important step towards the EU – Strilets
Limitation of single-use plastic products is an important step towards the EU – Strilets

In Ukraine, they plan to start researching rivers microplastic pollution

PAEW criticized the new rules for handling hazardous waste
PAEW criticized the new rules for handling hazardous waste

For one type of activity, you need to obtain 3 permit documents from the Ministry of Environment

Second life for garbage: in Ukraine, the criteria for classification as waste have been officially determined
Second life for garbage: in Ukraine, the criteria for classification as waste have been officially determined

It is about those substances and objects that are formed during the production of certain products and which are considered waste

During the war, the volume of destroyed buildings reached 670 thousand tons
During the war, the volume of destroyed buildings reached 670 thousand tons

The reform of the waste management sector is now one of the priority directions for the Ministry of Environment

A European standard for monitoring waste treatment facilities has appeared in Ukraine
A European standard for monitoring waste treatment facilities has appeared in Ukraine

A permit for waste treatment will be issued subject to a monitoring program

4 waste processing plants will be built in Poltava region: a memorandum was signed
4 waste processing plants will be built in Poltava region: a memorandum was signed

The oblast became the second in Ukraine to sign a memorandum on cooperation at the ministry-oblast-community level

The Ministry of Environment issues permits contrary to the law "On waste management" – an expert
The Ministry of Environment issues permits contrary to the law "On waste management" – an expert

The new regulation on obtaining permits and the list of waste have not yet been approved