Environmentalists told about the intricacies of waste certification as part of the waste reform Shutterstock

Environmentalists told about the intricacies of waste certification as part of the waste reform

Katerina Belousova

The project of the Cabinet of Ministers resolution "On the creation and administration of the waste management information system" has been developed

An analysis by experts from the Association of Environmental Professionals (PAEW) has shown that Law No. 2320-IX "On Waste Management" does not provide for the certification of waste, waste disposal sites, or solid waste landfills.

The previous regulations remain in force, although they should not be applied under the new law, according to the Office of Sustainable Solutions.

The law that launches the waste reform came into force on July 9, 2023, and some regulations are also coming into force.

It is noted that the following documents regulated certification:

  • Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of August 3, 1998 No. 1216 "On Approval of the Procedure for Keeping a Register of Waste Disposal Sites";
  • order of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Nuclear Safety of Ukraine dated January 14, 1999 No. 12 "On approval of the Instruction on the content and compilation of the waste disposal site passport".

PAEW emphasized that these documents are valid. However, they were accepted to implement the law "On Waste", which has expired.

"Given the non-compliance of the specified regulatory documents with the Law of Ukraine "On Waste Management", they should not be applied," the experts explained.

They added that the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources has developed a draft Cabinet resolution "On approval of the Procedure for the creation and administration of the waste management information system." The document defines the procedure for creating, providing administration and functioning of the waste management information system. It will take the form of a database to provide:

  • proper accounting, reporting, summarization and analysis of information in the field of waste management;
  • provision of electronic public services;
  • maintaining and placing registers;
  • ensuring information interaction between subjects in the field of waste management.

The PAEW explained that this document provides for the repeal of a number of regulations, in particular:

  • Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated August 3, 1998 No. 1216 "On approval of the Procedure for maintaining a register of waste disposal sites";
  • Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated August 31, 1998 No. 1360 "On approval of the Procedure for maintaining the register of waste generation, processing and disposal facilities";
  • Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated November 1, 1999 No. 2034 "On approval of the Procedure for State Accounting and Certification of Waste".

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that experts of the Association of Environmental Professionals (PAEW) criticized the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources for new regulations on hazardous waste management, which make this market "shadow".

As EcoPolitic previously reported, the Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Ruslan Strilets said that the department has developed a document that will establish European requirements for landfills and landfills.

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Such regulation is part of the waste management reform