Law about waste 2207-1d — latest ecology news

In 2023, the Ministry of Environment completed the reform of subsoil use, improved the OVD procedure and launched 17 digital services

The national plan envisages a reduction in household waste disposal volumes by up to 30%

The government also approved the Licensing conditions for conducting economic activities for the management of hazardous waste

The project of the Cabinet of Ministers resolution "On the creation and administration of the waste management information system" has been developed

Such regulation is part of the waste management reform

In Ukraine, they plan to start researching rivers microplastic pollution

For one type of activity, you need to obtain 3 permit documents from the Ministry of Environment

It is about those substances and objects that are formed during the production of certain products and which are considered waste

The reform of the waste management sector is now one of the priority directions for the Ministry of Environment

A permit for waste treatment will be issued subject to a monitoring program

The oblast became the second in Ukraine to sign a memorandum on cooperation at the ministry-oblast-community level

There are fears that reform in Ukraine will take decades