Global warming — latest ecology news

Although the trend toward climate action is growing, the pace of corporate change is too slow

The more hydrogen enters the atmosphere, the more methane will accumulate in it

Despite difficulties and challenges, there is still time to achieve climate goals

Temperatures in Switzerland are rising twice as fast as the global average

Warming threatens agriculture and wildlife

Ticks carry dangerous diseases, including tick-borne borreliosis, tick-borne encephalitis, hemorrhagic fevers, etc.

Differences in greenhouse gas emissions within countries and regions began to become more significant than between countries

Such phenomena warn of approaching climatic changes

Thwaites ice is responsible for about 4% of annual sea level rise

It would take the lowest income person 26 years to create the same amount of carbon emissions as the richest person in 1 year

Warming of 2°C will occur in 2054

A hungry animal is more aggressive and can harm people