Fire — latest ecology news

Ukrainians are urged to follow the rules during the fire period

It is forbidden to visit the forests of Poltava Oblast due to extremely high fire danger

Russians are deliberately destroying nature

The heat and strong winds may spark new fires

The cause of the fires was careless handling of fire

This is the second fire in the forest in the last two days

The size of the fine for burning grass ranges from 3,060 to 6,120 hryvnias

This year, 70,000 hectares were burned across Europe

A fire that no one even tries to put out will bring colossal losses to the island's biodiversity

The destruction of forests in the Donetsk region will lead to dust storms from Central Asia in the southeast of Ukraine

The climate crisis has radically changed the patterns of fire development

During the week, environmental violators caused damages in the amount of 8.97 million hryvnias