EU — latest ecology news

The development of the gas industry is the diversification of supplies, that is, a real alternative to russian gas

The decision was supported by 323 people's deputies

In July, the policy will have a neutral effect on EUA prices

Eco-activists believe that the government could do much more to save fuel

In anticipation of an energy disaster, national governments are burning more coal and reopening dirty power plants

Currently, Slovenia has several SPPs with a capacity of 1 megawatt

The public funding is expected to unlock an additional €8.8 billion of private investment

Ukraine needs to take into account not only EU regulations and standards, but also their mistakes

The amended directive is expected to be easily adopted

The EU accounts for approximately 10% of global deforestation

Albania has no energy storage capacity and must import fossil energy to meet seasonal demand

During the operation of the gas-fired boiler room, about 348 tons of pollutants per year and more than 198.3 thousand tons of greenhouse gases per year are released, while fuel oil - more than 5.6 thousand tons of pollutants per year and more than 304 thousand tons of greenhouse gases per year