Energy efficiency — latest ecology news
The development of highly efficient cogeneration will increase the efficiency of the use of energy resources
A little-known but powerful solution can be the conversion of thermal energy of the ocean
Everyone can help the energy system
Buildings in the EU account for 40% of energy consumption and 36% of greenhouse gas emissions
The largest number of proposed initiatives relate to climate and environment
EU member states have to ensure new annual energy savings on average of 1.49% of final consumption
The grant will help develop scenarios for the city's transition to climate neutrality by 2050
From now on, it is necessary to additionally submit an energy certificate for construction projects
The city also plans to develop public transport, separate waste collection and processing
Replacing the lamps has already helped reduce electricity consumption
Thanks to SES, residents will be provided with heat and hot water even in conditions of power outages
In 2023, those projects that won in 2022, but were never started due to the war, will also be implemented